Sunday, September 13, 2009

Mario...old school

so, I found in our garage the old Nintendo from when we were kids, (Corey says it's his but it's in my possession.) they kids were amazed..... Lil Earl said "Mom, I didnlt know that there were games when you were little like me!!!" and "I thought they only had these in libraries (meaning muesems)" he's a mouthy little guy!!!;) they were TOTALLY baffled by the controls.(their used to the Wii. We/they played for a long time until it got too hot?!? I hope we can revive it...if not then I guess Corey can have it back!!!!!;)


  1. Glad they are having fun. Corey says it is his and he wants it back in the box(ha). Did they have color TV when your were little?????

  2. OMG!!! I will be right over to play! I can still feel the controls in my hands an I know just how to press the buttons together to make the little man run and jump at the same time. Corey was the only one who could win. Remember we would always get to the end of it and have Corey win for us? Or was it the other way around? Where he would have to get us to the end so we could win? I know he helped us out some how!!! Oh, I can also hum the theme song.
